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20 Rawsome Years: Reflections, Results, and a Special Offer

Published: (May, 2023)

20 Rawsome Years: Reflections, Results, and a Special Offer

Take a step back in time: here's my website's original homepage from 20 years ago. Can anyone recall seeing this homepage back then?

Expansion and creating a cosmetics empire I can pass on to my successors hasn’t been my goal. I had a bigger aspiration: to make my skewed and injured body aligned, limber, graceful, and ready to dance. It's said that, when you fervently want something, the universe conspires to make it happen. Is that true? Well, it felt true for me every step of the way. That goal was instrumental in developing Beautiful On Raw.

I needed to heal my body, so I was privileged to learn about raw foods. Year by year, my books appeared. Out of deep gratitude, I wanted to share the healing and beautifying properties of raw foods and how they helped me.

I wanted so much to dance. But I knew it would take time and massive commitment to get to a place where I could. Through the years, I tried several times to take dance classes. Each time, I learned I just wasn’t ready yet. Now, though, I’m taking dance classes daily.

I’ve lots of catch-up to do. And some realities to face. To get where I’d like to be, I’ll need a few more years. But no worries—I always thought my inner dancer might take the floor only in my sixties or even seventies. So, it became important for me to keep my youthful looks. Every product, every beauty tool we have at Beautiful On Raw Store was born from personal need to deal with some aspect of healing or reversing aging.

I’m the sole model, the guinea pig, the mannikin, if you will, for my little business. We offer for sale only items that I use personally. We don’t use paid ads, preferring to rely on word of mouth—referrals from readers and customers who’ve found success through our products and recommendations.

Results, for me, matter infinitely more than financial rewards. By sharing positive results, rather than mere promotion, we can attract positive, proactive people. Through the years, we’ve been most fortunate. Our greatest treasure is you, our customers.

Such loyalty! Some of you have been with us since the very start! We have the highest rates of return customers in the industry—65%, I’m delighted to say. It means our customers are reading my books, testing Beautiful On Raw products and finding success. Nothing makes me happier!

2. Perfect Proof or Practical Result?

People write me: Do a video without makeup or Do one in a bikini. I’ve done many videos without skin makeup (as you’d expect, since so many of our products are about skincare). Still, some people want to find excuses to dismiss my ideas. Hence all these requests. Understandable—we live in an age of fake videos, photoshopped pictures, and paid bot reviews. 

Now, there’s AI technology that writes, talks, and even looks and sounds like real humans. It’s hard to trust anything we see or hear in the media.

If you’re looking for perfect proof, you’ll never get it—your ever-questioning mind will never be satisfied. I’m not going to chase every doubter, trying to convince her to try my ideas. My books and newsletters are for people who’ll get hold of an idea and run with it. The only way to get a real proof for yourself is to get your own results—results you just can’t doubt.

3. My Fresh-Faced and Ready to Go Routine

What time of day—morning, midday, or evening—does your face look best? Young people might think this question sounds strange. But if you’re over 25, or 40, and especially at 60 and beyond, it makes a lot of sense. For most, it’s that morning look in the mirror that hits hardest at your vanity.

A diligent morning beauty routine is essential to quickly recover your best self upon awakening. Here is an easy morning routine to follow when time is limited. Watch my short video above.

First, I begin with a Gentle Cleanser and PetalPads. They will lightly exfoliate dead skin cells from the surface of your skin and remove excessive buildup of dirt and oil. Afterwards, I rinse off and pat my face dry.

People often ask me about microneedling. I have never done medical microneedling, where needles punctuate the skin. But I use our RejuvaRoll to stimulate the skin’s outer layer and activate the skin’s remarkable ability to rejuvenate. More information about this tool can be found on my website. Finally, finish with ice cubes. Give this beauty routine a try.