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Activated Charcoal for Under Eye Area

Published: (August, 2017)

Activated Charcoal for Under Eye Area

1. Activated Charcoal for Under Eye Area  

Do You Know What Charcoal Can Do For Your Skin?

Charcoal—It’s Not Just for Barbecues! You’ve seen it in the movies… a protagonist poisoned by a villain… then saved by dissolving charcoal in water and pouring the mixture down the victim’s throat. Soon enough the poison comes out, and our hero is restored. And nowadays, among the savvy… what happens when we or a family member feels we’ve eaten something wrong? The first thing we do is grab a charcoal pill.

Activated charcoal can also help when it comes to your skin. For example, it can lighten your skin. Consider conducting an experiment:

Combine 3 tablespoons of activated charcoal with 1 tablespoon of raw honey. Apply on any area of skin you want to lighten—an underarm area, perhaps. Keep the mixture on for about 15 minutes…. You’ve now done a bit of “research” on your own, and you now know it works. Considering the powerful arresting toxins that are properties of charcoal, it’s a pretty good bet that activated charcoal can also make the under-eye area lighter, brighter, more youthful looking…

For years I used paper tape. Even though I knew about patches, and many people have been asking for them since I introduced Forehead WrinkAligns, I was reluctant to add them to my beauty collection. I just wasn’t interested. Why bother, I thought, if paper tape works? But eventually, paper tape stops working.

As a preventative measure, paper tape is fine on a young, supple, firm, and unlined face. But as I’m rapidly nearing my big 6-0, I realized that I needed a little something more. Bamboo Charcoal Under-Eye patches was my answer. Read more in Under-Eye Patches for Puffy Eyes, Eye Bags and Dark Circles.

2. Meet Esmeralda!  

She is my new virtual friend. She’s helping me do my facial exercises each morning.

Do you watch YouTube exercise videos? I know you do.

You watch a video for the first time to learn about the benefits of an exercise or set of exercises to target a certain group of muscles. There—that’s it! That’s the one I need! Then what? Do you go to this video day after day, month after month and perform the exercise routine?

Not likely. Even if you like the person in the video, looking at that same person saying the same thing after the third or fourth time…Well, it’s a bit cumbersome. You’ve got the whole script memorized. You know every little slip she makes - every twitch, every glance. Soon you get annoyed. And you’re paying the exercises no mind at all, which costs you half their benefit.

I find it hard to follow a real person’s demo every day—especially if that real person is yours truly. I get distracted, watching a live human being, by the tiniest things—a blink, a gesture, a pause.

Now, Esmeralda—she’s different. Utterly dedicated. Totally impartial. She demonstrates… I follow. No distractions. No excuses. Give her a chance, and she’ll help you be really diligent about your facial exercises. Here’s our first video: Eyelid Lift Exercises.

3. How To Lift Droopy Eyelids  

Here’s the question I received:

"Dear Tonya…
I wan
ted to ask whether you’ve come up with any new ideas on how to correct droopy eyelids without surgery. My lids have become quite wrinkly because of the heavy weight they have to carry and due to folding in new ways. Age is also at play in my case. Is there anything else I could try, on top of your eye exercises? This has really started to disturb me a lot…"

I remember how disheartened I was when seeing my own drooping eyelids at age 37. I know exactly how my correspondent feels. Read about my experience in my new article: How to Lift Droopy Eye Lids.