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AI, Your Health & Beauty: It's Not All Rosy!

Published: (October, 2024)

AI, Your Health & Beauty: It's Not All Rosy!

1. The AI Takeover: Redefining How You Search the Web

Back when I was researching my first books at the beginning of the century... Good heavens! Has it been that long?... The internet was full of innovative, groundbreaking 'natural health' ideas. Back then most doctors and cosmetic companies had but rudimentary websites—or none at all.

What's hip now? AI—Artificial Intelligence.

Type in a question—any query, any phrase in a search engine. Google will try to respond to the question with an AI-based answer. Nowadays, Google tends to push independent websites down, deeming them unhelpful. The sad fact is: Human-created content is no longer what’s preferred. Google has a bias toward those who pay. And those who pay seem to worship AI.

These days, most newcomers to real health and natural beauty will struggle to find anything truly original or life-changing, as it's buried under piles of AI-generated content that has quickly become mainstream.

Some months ago, I bought a book on a certain alternative treatment. I’d expected to read about a real person sharing their own experience. But…none of that! Instead, some basic info, heavily mixed with boilerplate warnings to consult a doctor. I suspected something was off with this ebook, and sure enough, it had been 'written' by an AI entity. Is this how everything out of the box will be treated from now on? 

I’m sure you’ve seen YouTube advertisements promising viewers they can earn thousands by publishing AI-produced books in just minutes and posting them on Amazon. As a result, AI-generated material has recently flooded Amazon and most self-publishing platforms. Amazon now restricts so-called AI 'authors' from publishing more than three books per day.

Do be careful what you read online. Now that Artificial Intelligence (“AI”) can create promo copies and write books, you can’t know who’s behind what you’re reading. Genuine, truly helpful information is getting ever harder to find, with so much reshuffled material, and rewrites of rewrites. 

AI does make our lives more comfortable, less strenuous. But in turn, we think less. Learn less. Analyze less. Many people, maybe most, won’t even bother to do their own research. They’ll just take what they can find quickly and easily. But you must be different. Read the books from the authors you trust, while you still can.

2. AI’s Take on Your Wrinkles

To illustrate my point, go ahead and type How to Reduce Forehead Wrinkles in your search engine and here is what you'll get on the very top:

But Botox injections come with telltale signs and consequences. Fillers carry the risk of the injected material migrating from the desired site to an unintended area. Laser skin treatments, such as ablative laser resurfacing, also pose risks, including scarring and discoloration, to name a few. These procedures are costly, and the risks increase cumulatively with each additional treatment.

Watch my video on the left. Do you find this routine odd? I don’t. Many of you who’ve tried it don’t think so, either. But AI does.

Keep in mind that everything I’ve been recommending these past 20 years—raw foods, fasting, vigorous exfoliation, cupping massage, ice cubes, micro-needling, and more—AI now will deem dangerous. It will discourage your using these home remedies before consulting a doctor. AI seeks to leave you with only one highly conventional opinion.

Of course, AI can do many wonderful things, we couldn’t have even imagined several years go. Still some things need to be experienced, before knowing its validity.

It’s impossible to achieve a beautiful complexion (or anything of worth) in your 40s, 60s, and beyond unless you do something different from what everyone else is doing. You want what most people never have:  exceptional health, a glowing complexion, and slower aging. To get these, your methods should be different from what AI will offer you.

We have many testimonials from people who have significantly slowed down aging. They have their own results for proof. Isn’t it your turn, now?

Here’s a list of my books and ebooks. Each book took one to five years to write, all over a 15-year span. Beyond writing per se, these books involved much research and a great deal of personal experiment and observation on how to achieve optimal health and youthfulness to last decade after decade. Check them out for information and inspiration.