07/31/09 Dear Tonya and Nick, It was such a pleasure to personally meet you here in Pittsburgh! It felt like you were my visiting family members: probably because Tonya is so sincere in her books, and I learned a lot about you from there. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR VISIT! What a blessing you were to all those who came to hear your message! The feedback has been overwhelmingly positive. Let's hope that the seeds you planted produce a rich harvest! Thank you for your latest book - I am almost done with it! After two years on raw foods I feel ready and inspired to add a quantum touch to my food consumption, as well as the intense exercise regimen. -Natasha
07/30/09 .. after trying and not trying and go through several experiments with other creams and oils and no creams or oils etc.... i have to say, your cream truly is showing beautiful results on my skin......now i can see that it actually takes away my lines..... i needed to let you know... thank you for your invention, please don't change a thing! :) -very happy with it, -J. 07/28/09 I think of you and Nick every day as I make green pudding, apply the skin cream, roll my skin with the pins and needles roller, brush my face, brush my body, and eat healthy. You and Nick are a blessing and a treasure!-Susan 07/28/09 Dear Tonya, Thank you for a really great article on healing. A friend and I have marveled over how well you've done and have speculated that you just really understand and find out enough to make everything work, without creating more problems for yourself down the line. So you've been an inspiration that way. [On the raw food diet] I've been getting to the place that I seem to understand more & more of what my body needs no matter what anyone else thinks, though I am still very much learning. But I feel really great -- except for needing more stamina and rebuilding bones, etc. from having had celiac so long. To get to the point where I suddenly notice I no longer have to really push myself no matter what I do and to feel emotionally OK is miraculous to me. -S.
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