Sensitive Skin Care

Your Skin is a Messenger
Your skin tells much about what is going on inside of you. If your skin is constantly breaking out, inflamed or burning and needs to be soothed and medicated, that should set off alarm bells for you. When sensitive skin flares up, it’s called many things: acne, dermatitis, rosacea, redness, burning, stinging.
All the skin issues mentioned above amount to the same thing—inflammation. People with sensitive skin have some type of inflammatory response either to external causes (such as cosmetics or sunlight) or to internal causes (such as food or medication). Many things can cause our skin to be sensitive, but diet stands somewhere at the root of most. Cooked foods create sensitivity and inflammation, particularly foods high in sugar.
Conventional Approach
The general recommendation is: You must be extra careful with sensitive skin. Sounds good. But this is dealing with side effects, not the cause of the problem. We should not have sensitive skin. Skin is the largest organ in our body. Imagine what would happen if all of your other organs were sensitive and broke out in rashes or became irritated, burning and stinging at the slightest provocation. Would you call that “normal” or “healthy”?
The Naked Truth
Here is the naked truth…You cannot have beautiful skin if it remains too sensitive. You can’t brush it or work with overly sensitive skin. One of the worst drawbacks of sensitive skin is that it cannot tolerate enough exfoliation, if any. That is why ultra-sensitive skin that reacts unfavorably to stimulation needs to be addressed internally first.
Healthy skin is robust. It heals fast after any external vexation. One reason: speedy cell turnover. It is this ability that rejuvenates your skin. And it is regular removing of dead cells that stimulates new cell development. Stimulation is the key, but sensitivity is its worst enemy. Only the raw foods diet, no matter your age, can help you defeat it.
You don’t have to resort to special medicated, hypoallergenic products or questionable chemicals to keep irritations and flare-ups at bay. You’ll only handicap your skin by resorting to these methods, since these only address the symptoms, not the cause.
Juicing is a Must
A raw food diet that includes daily juicing will help take care of your internal health so that the skin cells being manufactured are healthy ones. Juicing delivers outstanding nutrients and hydration from the inside. Within several weeks you skin will become less sensitive. Then you can begin your exterior beauty regimen. A good, consistent skin care regimen will cleanse, moisturize, soothe and exfoliate from the outside so that new, healthier skin cells can replace the old ones.
Skin Brushing
If you currently do have sensitive skin, you may have to go through an uncomfortable phase when you first start your regimen. I did. Be gentle. But be faithful. Brush your skin and apply a facial masque daily. Most of all, give yourself—and your skin—time to adjust. You must give your raw foods, and those fresh vegetable juices, time to work their magic from the inside.
Start slowly. Gently. Work your way up. You may find it beneficial to follow your masque and brushing sessions with GLOW Facial Cream. One of the main ingredients is Sea Buckthorn oil which is remarkably soothing and helps rapid healing of irritated or sensitive skin.
I used to have sensitive skin. But I got over it. When I first started using a facial masque, it caused a slight burning. Dry brushing resulted in minor irritation and redness. But I persisted because I knew what I was doing and why. Now, I am not shy to admit, I have very healthy skin that I can brush vigorously every day. Frankly, the more I brush, the better my skin looks! I am not plagued by flare-ups, rashes, and stinging or burning sensations. You shouldn’t be, either. You can attain a beautiful, healthy, glowing complexion with the right skin care regimen and eating pleanty of raw foods.