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Eating Twice a Day is Easy.

Sometimes people think that I still in high school, even though I'm 45 years young. Wow!!! I started eating raw food in 2004, after being a vegetarian/vegan for 6 years. I got so excited that I had to tell everybody about the benefits of raw food, the lifestyle, the symptoms of the detoxification, practically everything. I now have some "former friends”, and even an enemy because of my enthusiasm for raw foods.

My face is getting smooth and beautiful with Tonya's face cream, face mask, face brush, and skin rejuvenator. I have no more problems with arthritis. I read Tonya Zavasta’s three books, especially, the one that will be on my night table forever "Quantum Eating”. I am a Quantum Person now. Quantum Young, as I like to say.

Eating twice a day is easy. I feel so light at night. Now I don’t have to think about dinner. My digestion is getting better. I sleep the entire night without going to the bathroom. This is a miracle!! This is peace of mind and I am loving it. In the morning I have the pleasure of a huge veggie smoothie. I've never been so happy. That bliss that Tonya talks about, I’m starting to have it. I think that only a raw food, or even, a Quantum Eating Raw Vegan Person can understand.

No more night person, I wake up at 6. (Very unusual for me, just plain weird.) I love the seeing birds and the sky and meditating. Maybe this is real life and I didn't know it before. From Tonya, I've learned about the dry fasting. I couldn't do water fasting but dry fasting was the easier for me. Everything went so fast, so perfectly.

Now I am learning one of the most important things in my raw food lifestyle, that raw is not only food; it is everything. I am getting stronger, happier, not only physically, but also emotionally. Now I understand that some people cannot accept this way of living and that is fine. I understand that some people don't like me because I am getting stronger, more beautiful inside and out, and healthier.

Some people love me for that and they are inspired by me. Instead of trying to make everyone change, I am changing. I am the change. Before I wanted to change the world because I was changing outside of myself, but now I want to change the one person that is inside me. I want to get the best heath ever, the best life, the best way of eating, the best of my emotional and spiritual life.

The victim that was in me is saying good-bye and the stronger me is coming to stay. No more victimization, no more taking care of everybody and forgetting the only one that is the most important in my life that is ME. I am a Quantum Power Person now.

Thank you Tonya Zavasta, you helped me find myself.

Lucyane Bouchardet (June, 2008)