Wonders for my Hair!
Tonya, I just wanted to tell you that your shampoo and conditioner has done wonders for my hair! A hair stylist totally fried my hair a year ago. My hair is thinner and fine and what she did totally toasted it :(. I would have chopped it off had it not been for my husband who didn't want me to. I was SOOOO sad. After one month using your products my hair was already looking a TON better. I got a lot of comments. Now 5 months later, it looks absolutely FABULOUS! I am able to wear my hair down again and how I like it and it looks GOOD! :) I get lots of compliments on my hair now and i owe it to you! Thank you so much for putting out great products!!! P.S. I also use your face mask and moisturizer and also love that too. THANK YOU thank you thank you! Sincerely.
A. (June, 2010)