Shiitake Chowder
Recipe Author: Beautiful on Raw
If you ever miss clam chowder, then this soup is for you. It can be served cold or even warmed up in a blender or on a stove top to about 100F.
Banana Split in a Jar
Recipe Author: Beautiful on Raw
Blended frozen bananas create a perfect texture for raw vegan “ice-cream,” and, when combined with berries, offer an exceptionally healthy treat for hot summer days.
Potato Latkes with Coconut Cream Dip
Recipe Author: Beautiful on Raw
Along with juicing and using sunchokes in salads and soups, you can also incorporate them into “meat” balls, vegetable patties or latkes, like in the recipe below. The latkes make perfect non-messy finger foods, and can be used with a variety of dips or spreads.
Sweet Sesame Treats
Recipe Author: Beautiful on Raw
These treats are not only high in bioavailable calcium, but they taste delightful, so definitely make extras if you have kids or are planning to bring them to a potluck: they will go quickly!
Mini-Muffins a la Raffaello
Recipe Author: Beautiful on Raw
Raffaello coconut candy balls won’t likely be on your menu, but Raw-ffaello mini-muffins very well may be! A raw re-make of the famous holiday treat.
Chestnut Papaya Pudding
Recipe Author: Beautiful on Raw
Use any fruit or berries you like in this recipe. A simple, quick and delicious way to use chestnuts when they are in season.
Fruit-on-the-Bottom Blueberry Yogurt
Recipe Author: Beautiful on Raw
Remember eating those "fruit on the bottom" yogurts as a kid? Well now you can make one from scratch and without any preservatives. Enjoy this thick and smooth- textured yogurt made from a young Thai coconut.
Pumpkin Ramen Noodles
Recipe Author: Beautiful on Raw
Pumpkins are everywhere this time of the year. Start including this nutrient dense “fruit” in your recipes: one pumpkin can go a long way in raw cuisine. Ever miss the “Ramen Noodles” from your dorm-room days? Give these raw and infinitely-more-good for you Pumpkin Ramen Noodles a shot!
Creamy Fig Torte
Recipe Author: Beautiful on Raw
I hope you are not missing out on the fig harvest this fall, and enjoying them fresh straight off the tree or from the market, or adding them to your recipes. Here is one idea on how to use figs in a dessert.
Tropical Rolls With Fruit Dip
Recipe Author: Beautiful on Raw
Fruits and greens enjoy each other’s company not only in green smoothies, but in rolls and wraps as well. Fresh tropical flavor of fruits in this recipe makes eating greens virtually effortless.