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Okra Smoothie

Recipe Author: Beautiful On Raw

Who knew okra could be this fun? ⁠ ⁠

This humble green pod is packed with goodies that can make your skin happier than ever and kickstart collagen production.⁠ ⁠ 

Okra smoothies are a tasty way to sneak in some of this green goodness. Perfect for starting your day on a fresh note!⁠ ⁠ 

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Green Goddess Okra Apple Smoothie

Recipe Author: Beautiful on Raw

Okra, also known as gumbo or lady's fingers, is recognized by its long pods. It's rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals, supporting gut health and essential bodily functions like eye health, immunity, and blood clotting. With its impressive nutritional profile, okra is a vital addition to any diet, offering a plethora of benefits for overall well-being and your skin. 

Collagen, the skin's ally, plays a crucial role in maintaining firmness and elasticity.

Benefits of Okra:

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Beetroot Pepper Smoothie

Recipe Author: Beautiful on Raw

A friend suggested this recipe to me. She says it's the only way she can get beet juice in, considering it a "non-alcoholic cocktail." It's not the healthiest cocktail alternative, and you wouldn't want to use it as your regular juice. (I don't recommend using salt in a juice or smoothie.) But if you're a newcomer to juicing beets, you might want to try this recipe.

This juice combines beets, hot pepper, and strawberries. This intense flavor is bolstered by mixing it with a pinch of salt. It has a salty, sweet, and spicy flavor.

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Layered Green Smoothie

Recipe Author: Beautiful on Raw

Eating a high raw food diet can be easier with visually appealing meals, and this Layered Green Smoothie is a great example. With its different fruits and veggies, it offers layers of delicious flavor and plenty of nutrients.

While beetroot is packed with nutrients, it can taste earthy, so adding citrus, a bit of agave syrup, or raw honey can help balance the flavor. Spinach, on the other hand, can be mixed with mint or vanilla for a tastier result.

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Cabbage Cucumber Detox Smoothie

Recipe Author: Beautiful on Raw

Now that the hectic holiday season is over, it's time to focus on detoxifying our bodies. A great way to do this is by incorporating healthy juices or smoothies into our diet. One of my favorite detox smoothies includes a combination of cucumber, lime, mint, cabbage, and spinach. 

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Christmas Smoothie Bowl

Recipe Author: Beautiful on Raw

For those of you trying to upgrade your diet, holidays are hard. You take one tiny step off the raw food wagon, grab a piece of cooked dessert, and the next day you might see a skin blemish, such as a pimple. With this delicious smoothie…it’s not going to happen!

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Pumpkin Pie Smoothie

Recipe Author: Beautiful on Raw

You might not want to make pumpkin pie because you're trying to reduce calorie intake and you're afraid you’ll be tempted to eat the whole thing. No problem! Just make this Pumpkin Pie Smoothie. It’s still in the holiday spirit and it’s actually good for you.

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Peanut Cinnamon Smoothie

Recipe Author: Beautiful on Raw

Looking for the perfect post-workout recovery smoothie? Look no further! Just enjoy this easy to make and delicious Peanut Cinnamon Smoothie!

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Avocado Kale Smoothie

Recipe Author: Beautiful on Raw

Perfect for breakfast, this easy-to-make smoothie will bring you tasty delight—and powerful antioxidants—any time of day and all through the year.

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Carrot Cake Smoothie

Recipe Author: Beautiful on Raw

This smoothie is special. Its combination of flavors reminds of a sumptuous carrot cake. Why? Because it uses the same basic healthy ingredients—carrots, raisins, and cinnamon.

You can enjoy this smoothie as a complete breakfast or as a dessert. For a Little extra delight, let’s add some banana and peach. To enrich this recipe even more, use chia seeds.

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